Category: Product of the Month

POM: The News Feed Eradicator

by Melissa

According to Google, there are over one billion people active on Facebook and I’m guessing most of them spend loads of time scrolling and scrolling and scrolling through their news feed. It’s a great way to pass the time, procrastinate, and to many this may just be a default move when we log onto Facebook. I was definitely guilty of this and then about a month ago my friend introduced me to the News Feed Eradicator app for Google Chrome. LIFE CHANGING.

The short description on The News Feed Eradicator’s Facebook Page reads, “Clear your mind, clear your news feed”.

The app clears your news feed and replaces it with inspiring and encouraging quotes to be a better and more productive self.

Picture 2016-02-04 at 11.49.33 PM

The amount of garbage that we skim across is essentially cluttering our minds. With this app we have to go to news sources to find out things about the world, ask our friends what they’ve been up to (or go to their page specifically), and the never ending scrolling… what scrolling?

News feed eradicated.

Over the past weeks, my mind has felt lighter and I find productive ways of procrastinating, such as doing the dishes, watching the news, or responding to emails that I haven’t gotten around to.

Spring cleaning is right around the corner and to get a head start, take some time to declutter, cleanse, and clear your mind by trying out this app. Best part is it’s FREE!

For those of you who do not have Facebook, well you’re already a step ahead of us.

*Disclosure: not a sponsored post. We simply get really enthusiastic about things we like.

POM: Vega One Nutritional Shake

by Angela

On numerous occasions you hear that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. While this may be true, some mornings seem like there just isn’t time to sit down and make ourselves a proper meal. That’s when Mel and I stumbled across Vega One!

Vega One is a great way to add that something extra to sustain you and to really make you feel like you’re ingesting something that is truly good for your body.

With shift work both at the hospital and in retail, I often find that my sleep and meal schedules can be a bit all over the place. Fortunately, smoothies, even with the addition of Vega One, are easy on the stomach (even after a 5am wake up call for a 6am shift) but hearty enough that you’re not hungry an hour after eating. Therefore, I take my smoothies as a breakfast on the run or as a snack to sip on throughout the day.

For on the go, there is no need to invest in any additional bottles. I just pour the smoothie into one of my tumblers and sip on it as if it was my coffee or tea. I recommend you avoid getting anything with a straw unless you purchase a brush to clean inside the straw. Take it from experience, no amount of hot water is going to rid that straw of the smoothie build up along the inside without a good scrub.

After looking up the Vega One Nutritional Shake you might be a bit conflicted on flavor choice. To start out, Mel and I went with French Vanilla. We enjoyed the flavor, but at times we found the vanilla a bit overpowering when we wanted to enjoy the taste of all the other goodness we had put in our smoothie. So, we switched to the natural flavor and haven’t gone back.

For your budget, keep an eye out for sales online, at your local drug store or health food store. There is often a sale or promotion going on – we have never had to pay full price.

Now for the basic building blocks of our smoothies:

1.5 cups liquid (water, almond milk, beet juice)

1 cup frozen fruit

1 big bunch spinach (make it a good bunch – you won’t be able to taste the spinach I promise!)

1 scoop Vega One Nutritional Shake

To increase creaminess add ½ -1 frozen banana, ½ -1 small avocado, ½ cup oats or decrease liquid by ½ cup.


Add all ingredients to blender and blend until desired consistency.

Get creative with your smoothie concoctions! Add in other veggies like carrots, beets, or zucchini and try varying frozen fruits like cranberries, tropical fruit blend, or berries! For a little sweetness add honey, maple syrup, or dates and if you want a bit of a kick try spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and even fresh ginger.



*Disclosure: not a sponsored post. We simply get really enthusiastic about things we like.